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How to Build a Landing Page for Your Course Business

If you are running an online course business, the chances are you are building landing pages. But if you are not, it’s time to reconsider. In this article, you’ll see how to build a landing page for your course business.

A landing page is any web page that consumers get to land on, but differs from your homepage or any other page and has a sole and distinct purpose. 

How to Build a Landing Page for Your Course Business

The goal is to drive people further into your sales funnel and turn them into your customers. In the digital marketing world, a landing page is used to feature a product or service or present a special offer and ask users in return to provide their contact information.

But landing pages can do so much more:

  • Boost lead generation
  • Gather key customer data
  • Improve brand awareness
  • Increase website traffic
  • Grow your email list
  • Build credibility

According to HubSpot, companies that increase the number of their landing pages – from 10 to 15, have better conversion rates and see a 55 percent increase in leads.

So, if you want to build a landing page for your course business, this article goes over the 7 steps you need to take to create a landing page that converts.

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Identify your target audience to build a courae business landing page

In order to convince people to buy your course or join your email list, you will need a landing page that speaks to them directly.

To do this, first, identify your target audience and come up with a customer persona that has all the characteristics you expect to see in your ideal customer. Based on the information you find, you will then have created a persona with the relevant audience demographics.

For example:

  • First-time parents, ages between 22 to 35 need some parenting advice for toddlers. 
  • Soon-to-be computer graduates want to improve their coding skills with a course.
  • People currently in retirement want to take up a gardening course. 

These are just a few examples that can give you an idea of what you need to be looking more into further exploring their pain points and then coming up with a solution. 

An optimized landing page that is designed especially for a niche audience, has more chances to convert site visitors into recurring customers. The more details you find, the better. 

Step 2: Define your goal

There are so many things a landing page can do. However, for each marketing campaign, it’s best to have only one primary goal.

Doing so should help you figure out what you include in your landing page in terms of copy, visual, design, and the structure of the page and where to add key web elements like call-to-action buttons and encourage site visitors to click through.

So think about what are you after and set some priorities. Do you want to increase leads? Get more email subscribers? Boost those sales or prepare people for a course launch? The possibilities are endless! 

Once you define your goal you will build a unique landing page that stands out.

Step 3: Write the copy to build a courae business landing page

The written copy/text of your landing page needs to be engaging and compelling. Bold headlines and statements always get the attention of users but you need to make sure they will work in your favor.

Be clear and avoid jargon language but use industry-specific keywords and action words. 

To get the best results you can ask for a copywriter to create copy that will resonate with your chosen audience and highlight those key pain points discussed earlier. 

Don’t forget – to get quality leads you will need the right type of content:

  • Create a sales copy for your offer
  • Explain the reasons/benefits to join
  • Share customer testimonials
  • Decide on a unique selling proposition (USP)
  • Come up with a strong brand message
  • Add spot-on headlines/headings
  • Choose the right fonts and style

At the same time, make sure to keep the page clean throughout. 

Leave room for all the elements to ‘breathe’ on the page and eliminate any distractions on the page. Think of the structure and page layout using lots of white space.

Step 4: Create the visuals 

Every landing page needs images. The most effective way to go with this is to create visuals that will put your company in the best light. 

Choosing stock photography can work, but if you want to be unique and stand out from the competition, you need to create your own photos, graphs/charts, animations, infographics, and many more. Imagery that is created using behind-the-scenes content and real people offers the best results. 

Alternatively, you can use tools like Canva, and Visme to come up with your own designs. Make sure to use colors that match your brand and help to bring out those emotional associations you are striving for.  

Step 5: Think of the design

When building a landing page, all your design efforts should push people to click on the CTA button. This means you have to think carefully about your CTAs and where you want to position them. 

A good practice is to add only one CTA and then direct people to the product or checkout page. 

Currently, there are many online course platforms and landing page builders out there that can help you design the best landing page and add engaging media that can promote your online courses effectively. 

Some platforms are better than others in terms of the marketing capabilities they offer e.g. landing page templates, and the ability to build high-converting sales pages and customize them as you wish. When comparing your options, look into these differences and choose wisely.

Step 6: Build a lead generation form

A lead generation form can help you collect valuable contact information for your page visitors.

While they are all used to gather data, not every lead generation form is equal or exactly the same. To create an effective lead generation form, you need to ensure:

  • Firstly, the form is mobile friendly
  • The form is ‘clean’ and properly designed
  • It oesn’t require too much information
  • The form offers additional help
  • Finally, the form has a clear CTA

All these points are valuable and provide the basic elements of a lead generation form that visitors are more likely to complete. 

To increase those form completion rates, you can give an extra incentive like a free ebook, a checklist, a course, or a template.

Step 7: Test the page

Once you build your landing page, it’s time to test it out.

Testing your landing page will ensure that you get the maximum return on your marketing efforts. The more you test and optimize your page, the higher conversion rates you will get.

Now, there are multiple ways to do this. A/b testing is the most common and effective testing method you can try, but there is also multivariate testing. Alternatively, you can try surveys, view form analytics, analyze heat maps and session recordings to understand the visitors’ behavior.

The key performance indicators – KPIs and metrics you will need to monitor for your landing page are:

  • Average time on page
  • Bounce rates
  • Form abandonment rates

Build multiple landing pages, compare them, and then use the one(s) that get the best results. Make sure to document these results for future reference.

For this, you will need some proper testing tools in place. Google Analytics – Google Optimize and HubSpot are a good place to start.

Ready to Build a Landing Page for Your Course Business?

Landing pages are an excellent conversion tool and an essential part of every successful digital marketing strategy.

If you want to sell online courses, you will need to build a powerful landing page – if not more for every advertising campaign you are running. A landing page cannot only strengthen your online presence – helping people find you easily, but will also boost your lead generation rates and increase your sales!

Are you going to invest in a landing page to promote your online courses? If yes, how are you planning to do this? Let us know!

Kyriaki is a Content Creator for LearnWorlds, writing about marketing and e-learning, helping course creators on their journey to create, market, and sell their online courses. Equipped with a degree in Career Guidance, she has a strong background in education management and career success. In her free time, she gets crafty and musical.

Author: Kyriaki Raouna 

The post How to Build a Landing Page for Your Course Business appeared first on Visualmodo.

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