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Top Secrets to Increase & Boost Organic Reach on Facebook

Facebook has the world’s largest audience. It is the largest social media platform where you can find your target audience and target them in many ways. This article will show you the top secrets to increasing and boosting organic reach on Facebook.

Facebook has also become a huge source of referral traffic, which can drive traffic to your website. Therefore, Facebook should be on your priority list for generating traffic if your business depends on website traffic.

According to some statistics, Facebook has 40% of website traffic on the internet, which can help you get good traffic for your business website. But the question is, how do you increase the organic reach of your Facebook posts so that they help you?

Before Anything – What Does Reach On Facebook Mean?

Before we delve into all these tips for increasing organic reach, we want to ensure we’re on the same page.

Social media reach generally refers to how many people have seen a post. This differs from impressions, which refer to how many times a post was viewed overall and counted multiple views from the same user. This is why reach is sometimes called ‘unique impressions.’

So, There are several types of reach on Facebook, and also we want to clarify which one we are talking about here.

First, There’s Page Reach And Post Reach

Page reach, also called total reach in Facebook Insights, is a metric that tells you how many unique users have viewed any content related to your page in a given period. So, Post Reach is the number of unique users who have seen a particular post you have created.

Post reach includes organic reach and paid reach. Moreover, organic reach is the number of people who saw a position that wasn’t funded by advertising dollars, while paid reach is the number of people who saw a post because they paid to promote it.

The tips in this article are related to increasing your organic reach on Facebook, but of course, expanding your post’s reach also contributes to your page’s overall reach.

Now That You Have It Covered, Let’s Get To The Tips!

1 – Post more evergreen content 

To increase your organic reach and engagement, publishing evergreen content that people love to check and read is a better idea. 

Avoid promoting your products and also services all the time, and post some applicable non-promotional content. Evergreen content can be shared multiple times and helps generate more reach and traffic.

2 – Go live and be authentic to boost organic reach on Facebook

Speaking of experimenting with Facebook’s new post types, we highly recommend using Live Video Content and Stories.

Live videos are unique because they create a real community in the comments section. Moreover, everyone shares the same experience simultaneously, so everyone has common points of contact to connect with.

Also, Facebook’s algorithm updates prioritize posts that generate more “meaningful engagement,” and more engagement means more organic reach.

So create live video content and also stories that resonate with your audience and let them start conversations in the comments. This will increase your organic reach.

3 – Share posts on profiles and groups

Another secret to help with organic reach on Facebook is an easy way by sharing it in multiple places. Start with your profile and share posts on your timeline. 

You should also create and join groups with similar interests so that you can share posts there too. Although, you must follow the group’s guidelines while sharing posts there.

4 – Find your best time to post to boost organic reach on Facebook

When you post content on Facebook, it matters almost as much as the content itself. If you share an excellent article at 4 am, by the time your audience wakes up, they will already be lost at the bottom of their news feeds.

Instead, users can use your Facebook analytics to determine when your fans are online. Moreover, you can see your followers’ peak days and times in the Page Info in the Posts section.

If you use a social intelligence package like ours, you can also easily access data at peak times for your fans.

By posting during the times when your followers are most likely to browse Facebook, your content is more likely to appear in the follower’s feed. That means more organic reach.

However, posting at peak times also means you will face more competition for your posts to users’ feeds because more people will post at these times.

The best solution is to submit your content just before peak traffic hours so that you are the first to get your content out when people open Facebook. For example, if Facebook Insights indicates that 6 pm is high tide for your fans, post at 5:45 pm to get an early idea of ​​what’s happening.

5 – User-generated content

Another secret to help with organic reach on Facebook is user-generated content that is all the rage, but it is more than a passing trend.

When a user likes your brand and creates content, that’s a significant trust signal to other users. In addition, people are more interested in content their friends and family produce than branded messaging.

That means more engagement and higher organic reach, as you may have picked up by now.

Moreover, try one of the following ideas to get people excited about creating brand-engaging UGC:

  • Invite people to write reviews of your product on Facebook and share the best
  • Launch branded hashtags for UGC campaigns to help customers associate their content with your brand and get inspired by other people’s posts.
  • Launch a UGC contest where users submit photos and videos about your brand for a chance to be featured on your page.

6 – Focus on engagement first to boost organic reach on Facebook

Do Facebook posts get more engagement because they have a wider reach, or do they get more space because they get more attention?

It’s a chicken-and-egg problem, but some of Facebook’s algorithm changes have shown that engagement has a more significant impact on reach than reach on engagement is showing.

Facebook will show your posts to more people if they encourage people to interact with each other. In particular, content discussed in the comments section increases organic reach.

So how can you keep your users connected? Ultimately, it depends on who your audience is and what they’re into. We have some suggestions to help you to get started:

  • Include a question at the end of your post to ask people for their opinion.
  • Also, post about trending topics that everyone wants to read.
  • Reply to all comments on your posts promptly.
  • Stream live video content and chat with your audience in real-time.
  • Start an interactive poll, or an ‘Ask me anything style topic.
  • Ask for feedback from the community age about a new product or idea.
  • Share content that addresses your audience’s emotions in Stories.

7 – Never use engagement bait

Another secret is connecting users to your content is critical to growing your organic reach on Facebook, but getting it wrong can hurt you.

Note that Facebook updates don’t just prioritize posts that generate the most engagement. Highlight posts that encourage meaningful discussion and interaction.

Facebook will reduce or ban organic reach if you are seeking engagement with manipulative tactics.

Facebook calls posts that use these tactics “engagement bait,” which it defines as “spam posts on Facebook that encourage [users] to like, share, comment, and engage in other actions.”.

For example, posts like “I like you when you’re a Capricorn, I like you when you’re a Virgo” or also “Tag a friend who likes pudding” are engagement bait because they force users to change their engagement. Beg for interaction.

Avoid doing this post to facilitate engagement and reach because once the Facebook algorithm sees you doing this, your entire page will be limited in reach as punishment.

8 – Get verified on Facebook to boost organic reach on Facebook

Another secret to organic reach on Facebook is that you probably already know what Facebook verification is. A beautiful blue badge next to your site name proves you matter.

Verify to users on Facebook that your page is the official representation of your brand. This can help you stand out from fan sites and copycat accounts while building trust and authenticity with your audience.

A blue verified badge also means your page ranks higher in Facebook searches than other similarly named pages. In other words, it increases the organic reach of your brand.

Also, people will find your page faster and are less likely to follow or interact with unofficial pages than you.

All in all, worth checking out. But how do you prove to Facebook that you are worth it? First, we need to complete the page. That means you have a cover photo, profile picture, name, and at least one published post.

Next, you’ll need to ensure your page complies with all of Facebook’s Terms of Service.

For more information on requesting verification, see this Facebook Help Center article. And if you’re interested in getting the IG blue checkmark, here’s how to get verified on Instagram.

9 – Ask your followers to turn on notifications

The best way to increase your organic reach on Facebook is to use Facebook’s algorithm to place the posts at the top of your followers’ news feeds. But what if there was a way to ensure that followers saw every post without algorithmic involvement?

Your followers can choose your Facebook page settings to ensure they see all the articles you post.

So, we recommend mentioning this to your followers in a copy of important content such as successful videos and articles. And if they like your post, they’ll happily follow your page more.

Can you elaborate on enabling notifications and prioritizing posts in your news feed? Ask your followers to turn on notifications to view your post.

10 – Give ads a chance to boost organic reach on Facebook

This is not a trick to increase your “organic” reach. However, if your goal on Facebook is to reach the broadest possible audience, increasing your organic posts with a relevant ad budget may be just what you need.

And also, if you want to increase your organic reach on Facebook because of insufficient ad spending, don’t worry. Depending on what you’re promoting and who you’re targeting. You can reach hundreds of users for as little as $5 or $10.

You can start using organic Facebook posts as a testing ground to see what content is worth promoting. First, track which organic posts get the most views, reactions, comments, and shares, then add winners.

If you haven’t tried limiting ad spending to increase your Facebook posts’ reach, the results will surprise you.


The number of businesses using Facebook is continuously increasing, and getting a good reach for their posts is becoming more difficult. By updating your strategy and implementing the tips mentioned above, you can ensure that the organic reach of your posts improves and you get more engagement.

The post Top Secrets to Increase & Boost Organic Reach on Facebook appeared first on Visualmodo.

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