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10 Essential Selenium Automation Testing With Python Interview Questions & Answers

IT companies offer a wide range of rewarding career opportunities. Those interested in developing their skills in Selenium with Python need to sift through the knowledge they have gained during their learning years. Make sure you understand what is more important at a global level, and familiarize yourself with the terminology and basics of Selenium with Python the day before your interview. Check the top 10 essential Selenium automation testing with Python interview questions & answers.

No matter how skilled you are, answering tricky Selenium interview questions before a panel of industry experts can be overwhelming. Every one of us has been there at least once. In light of this, how can we avoid drawing a black page on this most important day of our careers?

Firstly, trust your learnings. Next, take a look at the most important Selenium interview questions.

Listed below are a few Selenium with Python interview questions with answers to help you out:

1. How can Python be Used In Software Testing?

The Python language is very versatile and can be used in many different applications, including software testing. Python’s simplicity, ease of use, and powerful libraries make it an ideal language for automating software testing processes. Here are some ways that Python can be present in software testing:

a. Test Automation: Python can be used for test automation, which involves writing scripts that automate repetitive testing tasks. With Python, testers can write scripts that simulate user interactions with the software, check for bugs and errors, and generate test reports.

b. Web Testing: Python can be used for web testing, which involves testing web applications for functionality, security, and performance. Python’s libraries, such as Selenium, Requests, and Beautiful Soup, can be used to automate web testing tasks, such as clicking buttons, filling out forms, and parsing HTML.

c. Unit Testing: Python’s built-in unit test framework can be used for unit testing, which involves testing individual code units, such as functions or classes. Unit testing with Python involves writing test cases that check the expected behavior of each code unit.

d. Performance Testing: Python can be used for performance testing, which involves testing how well the software performs under load. Python’s libraries, such as Locust and PyTest-Benchmark, can be used to simulate load and measure performance metrics, such as response time and throughput.

2. How can we launch Different browsers using python?

Python provides a way to launch different browsers and automate browser actions through its Selenium library. Selenium is a popular open-source framework for automating web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and more. Here’s how to launch different browsers using Python:

a. Google Chrome: To launch Google Chrome using Python, first, we need to download the ChromeDriver executable and place it in the working directory. Then, we can use the web driver library to create a Chrome instance and open a URL in the browser.

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()


b. Mozilla Firefox: Similar to Chrome, to launch Mozilla Firefox, we need to download the geckodriver executable and place it in the working directory. Then, we can use the Firefox web driver to create a Firefox instance and open a URL in the browser.

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Firefox()


3. Explain how Python is interpreted

An interpreted language, Python executes code directly without compiling it into machine code before running. This is different from compiled languages like C or C++, where the code is first compiled into an executable file before running it.

When you run a Python program, the interpreter reads the source code line by line and executes it. The interpreter checks for syntax errors and executes each statement in turn. If there is an error in the code, the interpreter stops execution and prints an error message indicating where the error occurred.

The interpreter uses a process called bytecode compilation to translate the Python source code into a form that can be executed by the interpreter. The bytecode is a low-level, platform-independent representation of the Python code. It is not machine code but rather a form of intermediate code that is executed by the Python virtual machine.

4. Why should Selenium be selected as a test tool? Selenium automation testing with Python interview questions & answers

Selenium is one of the most popular test automation tools available today, and there are several reasons why it should be selected as a test tool:

a. Cross-platform compatibility: Selenium supports multiple programming languages and multiple operating systems, making it an ideal choice for cross-platform testing.

b. Open source: Selenium is an open-source tool, which means that it is free to use, and it has a large community of developers who contribute to its development and support.

c. Browser compatibility: Selenium supports multiple web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and others. This means that tests can be run on multiple browsers to ensure that the application works correctly on all of them.

d. Automation: Selenium is an automation tool that allows testers to automate repetitive tasks, such as regression testing, freeing up time to focus on more complex testing scenarios.

5. How will you handle multiple windows in Selenium?

Handling multiple windows in Selenium can be achieved by using the “switch_to.window()” method. This method allows you to switch between multiple windows that are open during a test.

Here’s how to handle multiple windows in Selenium:

1. First, launch the browser and navigate to the initial window using the “driver.get()” method.

2. Then, click on the link or button that opens the new window. This will open a new window or tab in the same browser instance.

3. To switch to the new window, use the “driver.window_handles” method to get a list of all open windows.

4. Use the “switch_to.window()” method to switch to the new window by passing the window handle as an argument. Each window is under a label by a handle.

5. Once you have switched to the new window, you can interact with it by using the standard Selenium commands.

6. To switch back to the original window, use the “switch_to.window()” method again, but this time passes in the handle of the original window.

7. Finally, close the new window using the “driver.close()” method.

6. What are Python’s unitTest default methods? Selenium automation testing with Python interview questions & answers

Python’s unitTest module provides a set of default methods that can be up to create unit tests. These methods are inherited by any test class that is under creation and can be overridden as needed. In addition, here are a few of the most commonly present default methods in unit test:

a. setUp(self): This method is called before each test method is run, and is used to set up any objects or data that will be used in the tests.

b. tearDown(self): This method is called after each test method is run, and is used to clean up any objects or data that were set up in the setUp method.

c. setUpClass(cls): This method is called once before any test methods are run, and is up to set up any objects or data that will be present by all tests in the class.

d. tearDownClass(cls): This method is called once after all test methods run and is to clean up any objects or data that were set up in the setUpClass method.

7. What is a proxy in Selenium, and how to use it?

A proxy in Selenium is a server that acts as a bridge between the client and the internet. It is present to hide the client’s IP address and location and to provide an additional layer of security when browsing the web.

In Selenium, a proxy can be up to change the IP address and location of the browser, to block or allow certain websites, or to intercept and modify the traffic between the client and the internet.

To use a proxy in Selenium, you first need to create a proxy object and then pass it as a parameter when creating a new instance of the WebDriver.

8. What is a headless browser in Selenium?

A headless browser is a type of web browser that runs without a user interface or graphical user interface (GUI). It allows the automation of web applications or websites without the need for a visible browser window.

In Selenium, a headless browser can be up to run auto tests on websites or web applications in a faster and more efficient way, as it eliminates the need for a GUI.

9. How do you install Selenium in Python? Selenium automation testing with Python interview questions & answers

Here is how to install Selenium in Python:

a. Install Python: If Python is not already present on your system, download and install the latest version from the official Python website.

b. Install pip: pip is a package manager for Python that makes it easy to install and manage Python packages, including Selenium. To install pip, download the appropriate “get-pip.py” script from their official site and run it using Python.

python get-pip.py

c. Install Selenium: Once pip is in, we can use it to install Selenium by running the following command:

pip install selenium

This command helps download and install the latest version of Selenium and its dependencies.

d. Download a Browser Driver: To automate web browsers using Selenium, we need to download the appropriate browser driver for the browser we want to automate. Browser drivers are executable files that Selenium uses to communicate with the browser. So, the most commonly present browser drivers are ChromeDriver, GeckoDriver (for Firefox), and EdgeDriver.

e. Add Driver Executable to PATH: After downloading the browser driver executable, we need to add its directory to the PATH environment variable. This step is under needs for Selenium to find the driver executable when we launch a browser instance. As a result, to do this, we can add the directory path to the PATH variable in the system environment variables.

f. Start Automating: With Selenium installed and the appropriate browser driver downloaded, we can start automating web browsers using Python and Selenium.

10. What is the difference between Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver?

Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver are two popular tools in the Selenium suite, but they differ in several key aspects. Here’s a brief explanation of the differences between Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver:

a. Type of Tool: Selenium IDE is a record and playback tool, while Selenium WebDriver is a programmatic automation tool. Selenium IDE allows users to record actions in the browser and replay them later, whereas Selenium WebDriver requires users to write code to automate browser actions.

b. Supported Browsers: Selenium IDE supports only a limited set of browsers, such as Firefox and Chrome, whereas Selenium WebDriver supports all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, and Opera.

c. Programming Languages: Selenium IDE does not require any programming knowledge, while Selenium WebDriver supports multiple programming languages, such as Java, Python, C#, and Ruby.

d. Test Execution: Selenium IDE is under limits in terms of test execution. So, as it does not support parallel testing or running tests on multiple machines simultaneously. Selenium WebDriver, on the other hand, allows for scalable test execution and can be up on multiple machines simultaneously.

e. Test Maintenance: Selenium IDE is easier to use and requires no coding knowledge, which makes it easier to maintain. Selenium WebDriver, on the other hand, requires coding knowledge and can be more challenging to maintain.

f. Integration with CI/CD Tools: Selenium IDE has limited integration with CI/CD tools, while Selenium WebDriver integrates seamlessly with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, Bamboo, and TeamCity.

Selenium automation testing with Python interview questions & answers: Last words

In the end, preparation is key when it comes to successfully navigating a job interview for a Selenium testing position with Python.  By reviewing and practicing our above-listed questions, you can gain the confidence and knowledge needed to stand out among other candidates. 

Also, LambdaTest is a cloud-based testing platform that you can use for Selenium testing with Python. Basically, it provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the testing process, enabling even novice users to perform Selenium automation testing with Python.

The platform’s advanced features, such as manual testing, visual regression testing, parallel testing, and smart test orchestration with HyperExecute, can also improve the efficiency of testing and help identify and resolve issues quickly. 

The post 10 Essential Selenium Automation Testing With Python Interview Questions & Answers appeared first on Visualmodo.

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