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Is Blogging Dead?

Blogging is dead! Isn’t it? Between short attention spans and the generative AI boom, who is reading blog posts? Who is writing them? Isn’t it time for digital marketing pros to focus on other methods of engaging audiences? In this article, we’ll explore and share an expert opinion to answer the big content creation question: is blogging dead?

There’s no denying that things are changing, but it would be foolish to dismiss such a core component of internet marketing so soon. People still want to consume engaging, relevant content. As long as that is true, blogging will still be viable. So, stop the funeral planning. Instead, let’s focus on how to keep using blogs to reach your audience while still keeping up with the times.

Looking at The Data: Why Blogging Still Matters

Blogging is still relevant in 2024. Just check out these stats:

  •  77% of people in 2024 still read blogs. 
  • There are more than 600M blogs today
  • 80% of bloggers say that blogging creates results
  • 44% of people consume between three and five pieces of content before making a purchasing decision.

Has Generative AI Killed Blogging?

AI hasn’t killed blogging, but it’s important to be realistic about things. AI has definitely changed the blogging landscape for better or worse. First, people don’t hate AI generated content. In a study that involved simple, straight-forward content, people preferred content that AI tools generated, to a small extent. This was true even when study subjects knew they were reading AI content.

So, AI has killed blogging? Not quite. That study didn’t test AI vs. humans when it came to complex topics, things that need contextualization, or where accuracy is key.

Then there’s quality. Most people can recognize AI generated writing for a reason. The more in-depth the subject gets, the stronger the differences become.

Bottom line: People can still write better blogs than AI. Sometimes that matters more than others. Where AI has the advantage is in its speed. It’s a struggle to be a prolific blogger when you are generating everything from scratch. Meanwhile, AI can generate a 1000 word blog post in moments.

How to Modernize Your Approach to Blogging

If you publish a blog in hopes of creating authority or building relationships with your customers, you should keep doing that. This is still a viable approach to online marketing. As always, the key is your ability to pivot with the times.

Format & Write Blogs For Mobile: Is Blogging Dead?

Most people are consuming their content on mobile. People aren’t reading blogs at home. Instead, they are reading on the train, while standing in line, and even on the treadmill. That’s something to consider when you create content.

Think of blog posts that someone can read when they have five or so minutes to spare. Then, use formatting elements like bullet points, highlights, and small paragraphs for readability.

Create a Multimedia Experience

Not every blog post can be short and sweet. When  you have to write longer posts, add visual elements to maintain engagement. You can also use images, videos, and infographics to create understanding. Visual learners will appreciate having information presented to them in a way that they can understand.

Blogging Dead? Provide Value Quickly

Yes, attention spans are getting shorter. But, people will stick around if they know you have something of value to offer them. Start your blogs with compelling headlines. Then, use your intro paragraph to prove the value you’re giving. Are you going to:

  • Save them time or money?
  • Increase their productivity?
  • Share some insider information?

Think of the conversions! Sure, it’s great if someone reads the entirety of your 2000 word blog post, but it’s also a win to have someone glance at your first paragraph. If they answer your call to action, all is well.

Take Even Deeper Dives With Long Form Content

Folks who make the big decisions want robust content. That’s why there will always be a demand for longer, well-researched blog posts that deep dive into relevant topics. Learn what that segment of your audience cares about, and provide them with the meaty content they crave.

Promote Your Blog on Social Media

Yes, you should optimize your content for SEO. If you can earn that top of page ranking in Google search results, your posts will reach a larger audience. Yet, when you rely on that alone, you are playing in a crowded field. Use your social media accounts to promote your blog posts, and earn more traffic and engagement.

Don’t Run From AI: Use it as a Tool: Is Blogging Dead?

Don’t look at AI as the enemy of good blogging. It’s a tool like any other. AI can help you with content ideas, outlines, questions to answer, and more. For example, you could ask AI to come up with ten points on how to date a mature woman, and then use that as a base to write an interesting article.

Offer Readers What They Won’t Get Anywhere Else

This is the one thing that will never change about blogging. The top performing blogs have something in common. The people who write them offer a unique, valuable perspective, not a cookie cutter copy of the next trending topic. So, share your unique take on things. Be opinionated. Be controversial. That’s what will increase your metrics and conversions.

The post Is Blogging Dead? appeared first on Visualmodo.

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